Fears are like ... the hallucinationsby the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

We all have ... fears.

In fact ... all sorts of fears.

And .... sometimes we are dominated by them.

Some of us ... even under total domination of those illusory emotions.

But ... the main question is how the hell we get rid of such problems?!

Also ... what is the real impact on our lives ... especially on long term relationships?!

How we could heal our souls of those fears ... which many, many times simple ruin the connection with our partners?!

Well ... many times ... our thoughts, perceptions about negative things which are happening ... or might happen sooner or later ... are just illusions.

I would even say ... hallucinations.

But ... we can't stop ourselves ... doing that.

No ....

We just ... can't ...

Unfortunately ... the inner fears are more powerful than anything.


Today i believe that many times ... because we don't really know to speak with our life partners ... the non-ending fears ... just ruin all.

We can't communicate.

We can't say it ... directly ... "I am afraid of that ... and i really need you to help me to get rid of those ugly thoughts from my mind."

Cause ... you see ... we are not opened enough.

And ... we can't open .... for real.

We might say ... "I am afraid you like X ... and i am losing my minds ... continuing thinking of that."

Or ... "I am afraid of not being a good enough sexual partner ... and i am afraid that one day ... you will cheat on me because of that.

I need your support ... and try to heal me ... awakening the sexual energies from inside of my soul."

In fact ... we have millions of fears.

And ... nobody wants to help us to get rid of them.

Yes ... not even our life partners.

So ... we live lives ... dominates by all sorts of hallucinations.

Then ... we wonder ... why the hell we are so unhappy ... even into the company of great people?

We don't understand it ... or can't accept that we live multiple parallel scenarios for the same relationship ... becoming so, so confused philosophy of love... all ends up ... in fear.

And those negative thoughts become stronger and stronger and ... stronger ... till we realise that we totally lost our minds.

Well ... maybe some go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist …


few have the full support of the partner ... but many of us ... simple wake up in darkness.

Damn it .... It is just horrible ...

But ... we don't really know that we can disconnect from illusory thoughts ... simple smiling.

Even ... laughing...

Yes ... laughing of how silly we are.

So ... we continue living miserable scenarios ... even if reality is beautiful.

Unfortunately ... yes ... we just can't realise what is really going on.

But .... life continues anyway.

Some of us ... heal ... and others become more and more damaged ... mentally....






Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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